Most cracks are initiated by rough handling. This handling can occur during transportation, while being inventoried at the wholesaler, or while on the job sight Also, Fine cracks can be caused by cutting the pipe with dull or damaged ratchet cutters.The vast majority cracks occur during colder weather months when temperatures are below 10° C, PVC like most other plastics such as PP, PEX, CPVC, may become somewhat brittle and should be handled more carefully.To reduce problems resulting from cracked product, several measures can be initiated:
Educate your installers make them aware of the potential problems and instruct them to handle PVC in a appropriate way.
Use a saw or circular tubing cutter with a plastic tubing blade to cut your pipe to length.
Inspect pipe ends thoroughly prior to making a joint. Should a crack be evident, cut off any split portion before proceeding.
During cold weather, gripping the tubing highly around the area to be cut for about 10 seconds prior to making the cut will warm the tubing and reduce possible problems.